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Learn more by reading my eBook or becoming a member. This will enable you to be able to implement my techniques on your own. Also, these 7 benefits are included as well in the membership site:

1-Get behind the scenes access and see what professional bodybuilders, athletes, and celebrities do in the gym when no one is watching.

2-Learn all the exercises and unique techniques Charles uses with his private clients and implement them into your training.

3-Say goodbye to the self-proclaimed gurus and trainers. Save THOUSANDS of dollars (Membership is 10 times cheaper than the cost of the average personal trainer)! 4-Get access to a monthly workouts designed by Charles Glass. When you use a program designed by Charles, you can ensure that you’re training properly.

5-Submit your questions and get answers from Charles Glass himself. Gain access to over 300 videos with play-by-play instructions.

6-Play these videos in between sets on your phone when you are at the gym! You do not get this knowledge from watching swipe left Instagram videos.

7-This instruction will ensure that you are maximizing your ability to perform movements in the gym. TRANSLATION—maximal gains! ➡️ Join my membership site, and shop from my store. Click the link in my bio.

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